Monday, February 19, 2007

Monday 19 February 2007

What a grey day, cold with a hint of damp. A high tide has swept the beaches clean. I created a small brick pebble spiral for me and the sea. It was gone by the time I came back from the studio.
I met a nice couple resting on the beach, a fine creation, by anon.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

12/2/7 SEAL


Monday, February 5, 2007


Unfortunatly dogs are not allowed on to the Spurn nature reserve or the beach. I have been asked to remind everyone. Sorry.

5/2/07 chalk spiral

Created a stone totem and a chalk spiral this afternoon.
Well i'm sat at my table in the lighthouse, looking out across the humber. A large gas rig is being moved up the river and I can see across to the other side, Immingham , I think.
Its cold, snow forecast, the wind howls through the empty lighthouse, making it feel all the more wild and exciting.
I have a splendid view of the older lighthouse in the river and the lifeboat is anchored a little away from the jetty.
Its 4pm. the sun is starting to set, turning the sky orange. A great day